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Rwanda Religion Percentage

Christianity, the Dominant Religion in Rwanda

Rwanda's Religious Landscape

Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in Rwanda, with the majority of the population adhering to the denomination. According to the 2012 national census, approximately 84% of Rwandans identify as Christian, making it the predominant religion in the country.

The Landlocked Country of Rwanda

Rwanda is a landlocked country situated in east-central Africa south of the Equator. The country is renowned for its stunning landscapes, earning it the nickname "The Land of a Thousand Hills." Rwanda's natural beauty attracts both domestic and international visitors.

Recent Religious Statistics

The latest available statistics on religion in Rwanda were issued by the US Government in 2013. However, the source information utilized in the report dates back to the 2012 census. Thus, more recent data may not reflect the current religious landscape in Rwanda.

Other Religious Groups

Besides Christianity, other religious groups exist in Rwanda, albeit in smaller numbers. Approximately 3% of the population is non-religious, while Islam is practiced by a minority, with the majority adhering to the Sunni branch of Islam. Shia Muslims make up a fraction of the Muslim community, estimated at 200 to 300 individuals.

No Religious Affiliation

Approximately 25% of the Rwandan population does not affiliate with any organized religion. This percentage is higher than the average for the African continent, where most countries have a higher proportion of religious adherents.
